Saturday, January 26, 2013

God where were you?


God where were you?
Why didn't you intervene?
Why didn't you intervene sooner?

These are the questions that sometimes come to my mind about past hardships.

But my answer to myself is always the same.
"I will never understand everything."
"What does it even matter?"

The ultimate question is, "Do I trust God?"
"Do I trust Him implicitly?

Because no matter what happens, He is still God.
He is still the God of the universe. 
He is still the Creator of all things.
He is still the only true God that will ever be!

The moment you start doubting God, I believe is the moment your faith weakens.
The moment you start looking for guidance outside of Him.
Trusting in your own strength, the strength of others, false religions.
These will only fail you.

No matter what you think of God, He will always and forever be the only Way.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Have you lost your trust in God?
God is only concerned for your welfare.
The hardships that happen along the way are a result of this fallen world, and our fallen nature.

We must plow forward. Not looking on what's behind.
Keeping our eyes on the Goal.
Everlasting life with our loving Creator.
Who has not one iota of darkness in Him.
No capacity of evil.
Disagree with me, you may.
But this is the truth.
HE is holy, pure, and loving.  

Even when you could not sense Him or see evidence of His presence.
He was with you. And He will never leave you nor forsake you.
He said, "Blessed are those who believe in me without seeing me."

So lets stop asking, "God where were you?"
And start saying, "God I trust in You no matter what!"  

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lets sober up!

1 Peter 4:17 "For it is time for judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? "If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?

As Christians we are representing Jesus Christ. Are we dragging His name in the mud? Or are we living right, being set apart from the world, and living in love?
We as Christians are always being watched. Watched by the people of this world. Whether they admit it or not, they are looking for something. Looking for something they were made for. They are searching for the Creator, for what will fill the hole in their hearts. 

Also they're curious about what Christianity is all about. We always need to remember we have ever watching eyes.

When you become a Christian life is longer solely about you. Now we live for others. 

So let Peter encourage each one of us imperfect Christians to strive toward our goal. To run the race and to overcome!

Do not forget, we have an audience.