Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I forget how lucky I am to know You.(God)



Little nobody Monica gets to know the Creator of the Universe. The I AM.
Not just know about Him or of Him, but get to know Him!
¿How did I get SO lucky?

But do I behave as such? Do I behave like I am lucky to know God the Creator on a personal level?
I take Him for granted and waste time that I could be spending to get to know Him better.

I don't treat Him like a king.
I don't treat him like the love of my life.

As a single woman wanting to be a good wife in the future, I read articles I see on the web to be a better wife. BUT WHAT ABOUT GOD? My true Husband. My eternal Husband?

This isn't how I want it to be. So Lord take me away into your presence. I want to grab ahold of this gift you've given me. I want to make the most of this gift of knowing you personally.
You are so amazing!

I was CHOSEN!!??

Let me not waste it Lord.


  1. I can honestly say that He has been the one true love of my entire life. No, I haven't behaved as a devoted wife, or loyal servant, but I don't really think He expects that as much as it's touted because we're just weak humans. But, in all the events of my life and all the moments that have passed by, He's been there in my heart and thoughts. I think after this long journey has come to this point, it's the fact that He's always been a "factor" in my life. In the good times and bad. That's what really counts. See, in life we meet a man and get married, but along the way it can fall apart. Men come and go (relationships in general), so when you are stable in one and it never ends but the love remains through everything you do and go through, that's when it's real and steadfast. That's God in my heart and soul. God rises to the top of my heart/thoughts every time a situation arises or I see great beauty around me. A man might have given up on me in those situations and left my heart broken and cold. God has never done that to me. I know He's been here and with me the entire time. That's the difference between God and man and our relationship with Him. My first husband was mean and I had to flee. My second husband was addicted and I had to flee and he died before he got sober and we could reconcile. All boyfriends have been in and out of my life over the course of the years between the marriages. But God has remained steadfast in my heart whereas the fellows I've known have left black spots, pain, bad memories, emptiness, cold, and/or loss.

    I hope I've been able to articulate and explain how much God loves us and how far He goes to prove it!

    1. Thank you God that you do see my weakness as a human! I know that God doesn't expect perfection out of us, because He knows our frame. I do have this desire this push in my soul to keep pushing myself further and deeper into the things of God and into His Person and personality. So I do get hard on myself but this is coming from this drive inside of me, that sees where I want to be in my walk and sees where I can easily improve if I want it badly enough. Like a quote from a book i read, "Your as close to God as you chose to be." And this quote really says it all for me.I know God loves me when I stray and I know He doesn't love me anymore when I am chasing hard after Him and that His love doesn't change. Thank you Kelline. Because God has always been a factor in my life since I was 17, and sorta before that even though I wasn't pursuing Him.
      And He always will be in my life. :))

  2. Hi Monica,
    It is wonderful getting to know our true 'husband'. The way we do that is we have conversations with Him. I find the more I seek Him the more He responds, through the scriptures, through happenings in my life, and sometimes through the poems and songs that I write. As Kelline has implied, there is no one who can compare, and He never lets anyone down.

    1. Yes the more I seek him the more I hear or can experience His responding. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. Thank you Brenda, He has never let anyone down. He is ever faithful!!!


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