Saturday, May 19, 2012


It seems my journey is familiar with these m.i.a moments. Where it seems I lose sight of the goal and allow myself to sit down in this race. I don't know why I allow myself to do this when I know the inner joy and peace of running the race.

I was reading a blog post from my friend Kelline where she writes that outside His presence there is no peace.
It reminded me that I had allowed myself to have a seat and let Gods manifest presence move on past me.

It also reminded me of a great friend I gave up as a sacrifice to God. This was five years ago. At that time in my walk the fire of God was heavily on me.

It reminded me of why I shouldn't let myself give-up or sit down now. It showed me what i've given up and how foolish it would be. How everything i've done and what God has done would be all for not if I kept sitting out the race.

Not that i'm planning on giving up, but when you think of it, sitting on the sidelines is a form of giving up.

Revelation 2:4-5 "But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen."


  1. We all run this race at our own pace, sis. Sometimes, it's been so long that we've run we tend to slow down, and when we slow we tend to see things of interest along our path, and when we see things of interest we tend to want a closer look, and when we get that closer look we think we're missing something that everyone is getting to enjoy, and we tend to go ahead and linger along that part of the path where we think the "good stuff" is that we've been missing out on. The important thing is not the brief stop offs but the fact that you've suddenly realized you'd stood there and enjoyed the things off the path long enough and must return to your journey.

    1. Thanks Kelline. I guess it is the getting up that is important. But it is still upsetting when I realize that i've wasted time and time I could have been more happy. Being side to side with Jesus fulfills me so much more than any of these pit stops i've made.


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