Monday, February 20, 2012

You are still God

"How much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11   

So my prayer today is this...            

 "Lord I am sorry when I doubt you forgive me. You truly are good, and You are still God." 

 and then of course i ask Him for the things I want. :) i really just want Him to reveal more of Himself to me, because nothing can make me happier than seeing my Lord more clearly. He is beautiful. He is Beauty!

1 comment:

  1. When I want to feel His presence, I just do. I learned that He is all around me and if I want to feel His presence or see Him, I just DO. The music you listen to that makes your emotions run high..that's feeling Him. The things you see in your world that inspire you to feel something towards the light, that's Him!! Remember when He said, "tell them I AM.."?' Ponder that. "I AM." He was saying, "SEE ME..I AM, FEEL ME..I AM, you don't have to search or ask..I AM, I'm here with you. Listen to that song and feel my Spirit take you places. Look at the sunset and know I'm in the colors and beauty. I paint the sky, I AM. I'm the warmth in the wind, I AM. I'm the life in the spring, I AM. Just be with me and you'll feel me. I'm always revealed. I AM."


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