Saturday, February 18, 2012

Single Women-this is for you :))

This is from the book, "Falling in Love with Jesus".

1.It is not a disease.
2.It doesn't need a cure.
3.Don't give me anymore books on "How Not To Be Single."
4.Please don't try to fix me up with your brother-in-law, even though you know he is perfect for me.
5.And don't you dare tell me what beautiful babies Carmen and I could have together.(Carmen is a single Italian singer.)

1 comment:

  1. So true!! I just want to love the Lord and serve Him and honor Him with my words, deeds, and intentions. I don't need a mate but if God were to send one, I'd know it and accept His gift with the knowledge that He wants me to have on earth what was meant from heaven.


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