Thursday, February 28, 2013

These words won't ring loudly to you, (the     reader) I'm sure.                                                 
These words have to be 
self-realized to ring out.                                                                    
But when you've finally had enough of just   taking what satan is dishing out...              
There'll be a loud welcomed reverberation in  your soul!                                                          
"I am the daughter of the KING!"                    
Just the name of JESUS and the Blood of      Jesus has authority over everything!"            
"In the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirits of, stress, anxiety, and fear, that have been        plaguing me."                                                      
I'm not sure why I put up with it this long.
Forgive me Lord. You died for my                    salvation, healing, and peace.    
What have you been putting up with?
Putting up with, when you're the son or daughter of THE King!              

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

"Without  faith, it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6
If I don't have faith that Jesus can and will satisfy me, that His plans for me are perfect and will fill me with joy; I'm not pleasing God.
"...for WHOEVER would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seeek Him." Hebrews 11:6

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I want you to come of your own free will.

 I can hear His voice.
Soft, and gentle.
He is in love.

"Won't you come, with soft flight, and nestle against my heart, if you would."(CB)
Our Maker desires that we would want to give ourselves to Him.
To want to live for His pleasure and not our own.
He wants in return to satisfy our every need, and bathe us in His love and peace.

Satan also want our spirits.  He tries to trap us, and cage us in.
He wants slaves, not a lover, not a friend. 
 He cares not for our happiness.
                         The quote up above is from my favorite movie  and book, "Jane Eyre", written by Charlotte Brunte. It's a line from the male lead character. He loves and wants the love of Jane Eyre.
But she is resolute in her morals, and stands fast resisting him.
While she is standing fast, this is another line from the male lead.
      "Never was anything at once so frail and so indomitable. A mere reed she feels in my hand! I could bend her with my finger and thumb, and what good would it do if I bent, if I uptore, if I crushed her? Consider that eye; consider the resolute, wild, free thing looking out of it, defying me, with more than courage, with a stern triumph. whatever I do with its cage, I cannot get at it, the savage, beautiful creature! If I tear, if I rend the slight prison, my outrage will only let the captive loose. Conqueror I might be of the house, but the inmate would escape to heaven before I could call myself possessor of its clay dwelling place. And it is you, spirit, with will and energy, and virture and purity, that I want; not alone your brittle frame. Of yourself, you could come, with soft flight, and nestle against my heart, if you would..."

The beauty of our free will.
It doesn't matter what man, satan, does to our body, it can't get to our spirit.
If we have given our spirit to God, whatever man may do to us, our spirits in the end will only be freed to reside with God in our true home.
This body is just a tent. It's not the real me.
The real me is a free bird of a spirit.
Happily resting in the hands of Jesus.
The Jesus who will never try to put me in a box. Or try to take away my freedom.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can you trust your Creator?
Trust Him wholly?
We might say, "Well of course I trust God."
But don't jump to conclusions! Do some soul searching.
Do you trust Him like the little kid standing on the edge of the pool, who doesn't know how to swim, beginning to jump to his dad standing in the pool with outstretched arms?
Like the song that says, "Everything is in His hands"
 or, I Know You Know
"I can trust and choose Your will for me
Or I can choose to trust my own
But every time I do
I end up on my knees
Longing for Your arms to lift me up
I can take the roads You lead me down
Or I can turn and go my way
But every time I do
I end up on my knees
Longing for Your arms to lift me up
I know You know
Just what I need
I know You have a plan for me
And I won't worry what the future holds
'Cause I know You know
I can hear just what You have to say
Or I can hear just what I want
But every time I do
I end up on my knees
Longing for Your arms to lift me up
Lord, You're faithful in everything, everything
Your the rock I'm leaning on