Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I will not be eaten!

1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour."

resist stedfast.don't let him intimidate you.

I will OVERCOME by the blood of the LAMB and the word of my testimony!

I'm working constantly on forgiveness
unforgiveness is a foothold for satan in our hearts,
also if we don't forgive neither will God forgive us!

My spirit is fighting my flesh, holding on to bitterness of unforgivsness is also pride, saying you have the right to hold onto this offense.

Remembering that PERFECT peace have they whose minds are stayed on the Lord.
Also that He inhabits the praises of His people.

God never leaves me nor forsakes me! :)

These trials are temporal, and the temporal withers like the grass of the fields.
Also lets remind satan what his ending is, shall we! We've won and have the victory and God is not going to throw us in the lake of fire because we are covered by the blood of His Son! Hallelujah thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things God has pleasure in.

I'm learning so much lately. I never pictured God as happy or having pleasure in something. Not that I've thought He was so mean and angry. I never really pictured Him very emotional. Lets just say I have some emotional hangups for me to not see this in God. But maybe you've already realized this, but I'm going to share it any ways.
God I believe gets pleasure when we share Him with a nonbeliever.
Also, I've been making the comparison between His Word the seed, as the mans seed.
Also the soil of course as hearts of mankind. But I am going to symbolize an egg like a woman's egg for the heart.
I think that when we speak forth His Word(Himself) with a non-believer it is like the root meaning for intercourse, which conception could take forth, where His seed becomes alive in the heart or egg of a human soul.
What we see a sexual intercourse is what God gave us as a symbol or metaphor for sharing Him to nonbelievers in the spiritual realm.

Well tell me what you think, tell me even if you think I am a crazy off the path woman.

Habitual Cheater?

So, I'm not the first.

It's dated back from the very beginning.
We as humans have been habitual cheaters on God.

I was reading Ezekiel 16 where God tells Israel that they have paid strangers to be in whoredom with them, rather than being with their husband(God).

We cheat on Him with some really pathetic excuses for reasons to cheat on a perfect match for us.

God is utterly beautiful.

On a rabbit trail, there is this very handsome young man that I sort of work with. He is such a distraction!
But I was communing with God the other night, and I realized...side note(I already sort of knew this but it became much clearer)
...I realized that if I were to put God in a human body that matched His beauty(which I realize is impossible, but I have to make things tangible for my small brain:) )He would be the most gorgeous super model man! 

And get this! He would want me!? And find me beautiful!? WOW!
And I cheat on this perfect man, that fits me like a puzzle piece. I am so stupid...with out Him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The vulnerable side of God

God is Beauty

             it literally brings tears to my eyes.

             Anything we feel, any emotion,

  He feels it in so much more depth.

For instance, vulnerability.

You think a virgin wife is vulnerable on her wedding night?

God is even more so.

And we take advantage of His loving vulnerability.

We use Him and trash him.

He isn't vulnerable because He is weak,

He is vulnerable because of His great love for us.

Anyone who thinks their heart has been broken,

has absolutely no idea of the depth of pain associated with a broken

I have no idea how far the nerves of His love go. 

All this...for the want of our love.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

God is the sexiest!

Okay so I'm going through this learning experience.
It has something to do with God as my husband, my lover.
I am a single young woman and I can be so distracted by good looking men or the thought of marriage, and children.
I'm changing my way of thinking.
We think this physical realm is the most REALITY.
That physical attraction is SO very strong.
That sex is the greatest pleasure.
When in all actuality,
The spiritual realm is the most REALITY!
I mean God invented sex! :)
Why would we not think He has something more attractive for us?
"Jesus, Lover of my soul,
Jesus, I will never let you go
You’ve taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now I know

I love you, I need you,
Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go
My Saviour, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end"