Wednesday, October 12, 2011

~Spirits like Trees~

So I was out watering the other night and just being quiet.
And then I hear something in my ears that are not seen.
I've always thought and known through the Bible that trees are symbolic.

Not only do they bear fruit and provide shelter from the scorching sun, as do our spirits bear fruit and shelter other peoples spirits.

Trees have amazing roots!
the smaller ones on the surface are for absorbing moisture and  minerals.
Absorbing the moisture of God and His Word...mmmmmmm :)
These littler surface roots have littler hairs that raise up to capture moisture.
Now this is what I was most interested in researching a bit.
The deeper roots...
provide anchorage, like a tree planted by the waters,   
Jeremiah 17:8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
These deeper roots will concentrate the majority of it's resources where nutrients and water are more easily available.
These roots grow vertically downward until they encounter an obstacle or soil with insufficient oxygen for growth. They will often branch and form a second layer of roots deeper in the soil. These roots function as water and food storage areas for the tree. 
John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Reserves for strength in times of trouble and drought!!


  1. Hi, I rushed over as soon as I got your email to see what you had to say. Yes, I've seen the tree symbolism for some time. God compares us to trees frequently in His word. What better symbol than something that stands tall, stands strong, stands firm, unmoveable without great effort and even when that's accomplished, you can't kill it! The roots are the life! To kill it, you must kill the roots. And when our roots are in Christ, we stand the same. We're indestructible the same. Most intriguing to me is the seed. How amazing is something so tiny that can grow into something so big? How amazing is it that the seed can lie dormant for so long and yet with warmth and water, springs life. That's the Word. It stays within us waiting for the right conditions to bring forth life! All by the hand of God! Keep in touch! I bless you back, sis :-)

  2. Hey, I meant to ask you if you had seen my post wherein I wrote out every single verb that I found in the 1st 3 books of the Bible in reference to God. Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. Everything that He "does." I searched up and wrote down every word. Just the word, like He "reigns" and He "forgives." So, check it out. See what our God DOES for His people. It's titled "KNOW HIM." I hope you'll take a look and "Know Him" for yourself. See ya!

  3. This is a lovely post, thank you. I also like to read from all books of the bible and yesterday I read aloud from Jeremiah chapter one and put the audio on my blog. I hope you will be able to take the time to listen to my reading of Jeremiah's amazingly down-to-earth words. I hope you will also join my site. Please let me know if there is a problem with it showing. Thank you for sharing Joan.


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