Saturday, August 11, 2012

A few of my thoughts along with some writings of others that have blessed me.

             So I had a rich devotion time in the Lord tonight. Also a breakthrough which I believe is going to open new pathways in my walk with the Lord.
But also means my post might be a little spastic. So bare with me, because I believe if you keep your spiritual heart open you'll be blessed.

First I had to start with conviction and confession time with the Lord.
I saw pride that had creeped up in my heart from last week. One of the gifts or talents the Lord has given me, I let myself think that it gave me the right to feel better than a aquaintance of mine.

Ay yi yi! Stupid stupid flesh. We are so ugly apart from You God. Pride is a hideous creature.
In Romans 8:6 it says, "For to set the mind on the flesh is death..."
 I believe partly because you're distancing yourself from God, and the flesh and God are enemies. The flesh hates the things of God. You can't please God in the flesh.
He is the life giver the source of all life, to be separated from Him is death.
We need to be completely consumed by Him. Like fire consumes. We need to be formed into His image, that means we have to lose ourselves. Not be so concerned with getting praise from people.
In Romans 9:15 it says, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."  How special we are, to be included into the family.

Have you ever met a family that welcomed you a stranger into their family as one of their own? It's a warm comforting feeling. Undeserved or even unearned. In the eyes of the world I am a nobody and God chose me. What an honor we are graced with. What am I doing with this honor? This is a challenge to myself this day. What am I doing with His mercy?               
 Now back to what I've been up to lately in my posts. How do I love God, Jesus, unconditionally?
This was a great article
There is a prayer that caused I believe a much needed breakthrough. This prayer is all about unconditionally loving God. And not blaming Him for something bad that has happened in your life, but trusting in Him. And trusting that He can make good to come out of a bad situation.
This is the prayer... "OK, Lord, I don't know why this devastating thing happened to me, but Lord, I trust you, I trust in You that You know everything and that somehow, someway you will make lemonade out of these bitter lemons. I trust that you will somehow cause something good to come out of this terrible situation."
Alright and here are some more things that blessed me.
This is from a Catholic, I pretty much agree 100%. Although I know that Jesus sees our frame and that we are but dust, and even when our hearts aren't 100% selfless He still hears us and graces us with His loving presence and tenderness.

..."To seek God for what he gives us, or for the sweetness we feel when we are with him, is a sure way of never tasting or feeling those very sweetness we feel when we are with him, is a sure way of never tasting or feeling those very sweetnesses and consolations which we are seeking, and besides it is a great obstacle and impediment to achieving union with God.
On the other hand, we achieve everything and we posses everything, because everything is given to us when we seek God alone for what he is in himself, for his own sake, and not for what he gives or has promised.
We must seek, serve, and love God unselfishly, not in order to be virtuous, not to acquire holiness or grace or even heaven itself, nor to acquire holiness or grace or even heaven itself, nor for the happiness of possessing him, but solely for the sake of loving him. And when he offers us graces and gifts, we should tell him that the only gift we want is the gift of love, in order to love him; if he says to us: Ask me for anything you like, we should ask for nothing except love and more love, in order to love him and to love him more. This is the greatest thing we can ask for or desire because he is the only thing worth loving or desiring".
- Francisca Javiera del Valle, About the Holy Spirit, 'Day Seven'

And then there were these two people answering someones question on yahoo answers. The question was asking if unconditional love was possible. I really love Julietta's answer.
"Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Basically - you have to draw near to Him, read His to Him and as your faith grows, you begin to shed worldly things and His love....holy cow....His love, once you are able to lay it all down (and it's NOT easy and often takes time for some of us - it does me) - but when He FILLS'll know it and be on cloud nine with a love more real than you've ever experienced. You'll be obesessed in the most amazing, fulfilling way -that anyone who has NOT experienced it, cannot understand it. But you have to seek Him...relentlessly. Ask - you shall receive. But keep on asking - His timing is a lot slower than what we humans desire often (I'm SO impatient) - but dont' give up, and I PROMISE - He'll answer..." Julietta

"Just find someone to celebrate. Find someone who makes you aware of how lucky you are to be here. All this thinking! Lol."

Jesus is someone to celebrate. The person of Jesus. And He does make me happy to be ith Him. To be His bride, to be apart of His family. I am blessed!"


  1. Wow sis,

    You've really been with the Lord with this one! Great writings! This is the 3rd time today (once being what I wrote, and twice what someone wrote and I read after I wrote mine)I've heard and wrote the words, "love God because we just want to." This is a message from the Holy Spirit for today. I told another blog member that God didn't wipe us out during the flood because He created us with the free will to choose to love Him. Then I saw it written minutes later on another blog, and now here, love Him because we choose to. I ask God for more love and may be He's telling me to pray and ask again today. Thanks sis, love to you!

    1. Hey Kelline, the writings I added from other people in this post, were such a blessing to me, that i had to share them with the world. I'm glad that my post was used by God to send a message to you. It's a long post but I think it is worth it. Love God just for who He is.


Hi there, I hope this post in some way has blessed you. Please leave a note telling me what you think of this post. :)