Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dry Marriage

I either don't understand or am misguided. But I think the majority of the marriages between saints and Christians are so dry.

Why would a relationship with the Supreme Being be lifeless, compared to a boyfriend or husband here on earth?!
Yes He is our Lord, Father, and Friend; but He is also our Husband and we are His bride!

I am single in physical terms, by choice to be dedicated to Jesus Christ.
I "would" love to jest with men, and flirt. To be married to a man and flirt and to be playful in the marriage. Why does the playful and flirtatious have to be dropped in the spiritual realm?
One can find almost limitless data on the web. And yet somehow it seems non existent the thought of having fun with Jesus as Husband.
WELL I am fed up with the non existent. To me this is so personal, and maybe this is why it seems nonexistent, but I am fed up with the absence.
I want a fiery passionate marriage. And Jesus fulfills my needs. He fills the emptiness and the holes.

So please join me in pursuing our Husband, lets take the time and effort in diving deeper into passion, the passion we would not have unless it had been created in us in the first place. Lets treat Him as if He were in the flesh, chase Him and court Him, Let Him speak sweetly to you as you speak sweetly and softly in His ear. Practice praising Him, praise is filled flattery. Flatter Him with the truth, tell Him how beautiful and desirable He is. These are the basics, we just have to switch realms. 

And PLEASE share your experiences with me, I have soo very much to learn. 

Although this little song I wrote wasn't written in correlation with these above thoughts, I'll throw it in anyways in hopes of it blessing you.

I guess reading it will mostly be a prayer :) But let it bless you!

Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God


I want YOU!
You're all I wanted...
and not KNOWN

Take me to your heart God
It's all I need!!
And you know!

I love you!
The greatest Romantic the world has never seen!
Take us to Your heart God!

Bright and beautiful,
Rainbows or rememberance,
Waves of Mercy
Oceans of Grace
Breathing in Your Love,


  1. I spent so much time here today, on your blog. God broke through. I wept and praised. The song by Misty Edwards started it all. I began to feel like the stony heart was being made flesh. I've worshiped Him for so long and yet, my worship was fresh. He came like the rain!!

  2. :) worship is vital, I often forget.


Hi there, I hope this post in some way has blessed you. Please leave a note telling me what you think of this post. :)