Saturday, January 21, 2012


"Romance the the deepest thing in life, romance is deeper even than reality." G.K. Chesterton  "We all feel the riddle of the earth without anyone to point it out. The mystery of life is the plainest part of it. . . . Every stone or flower is a heiroglyphic of which we have lost the key; with every step of our lives we enter into the middle of some story which we are certain to misunderstand."


  1. Thanks for visiting my Photoblog and for leaving such a nice comment! At this place I would say: Chesterton is one of the best ;-) greetz from Holland, -Hans

  2. Romance is deeper than reality, that's a fair statement. I know I've romanced my Lord and He has romanced me. He has wooed me and lured me. I'm so glad for it.

  3. I think it's safe to say, He is Romance. Romance is Love and He is Love. Thus Romance is greater than reality, because He is greater than reality.


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