Monday, December 17, 2012

Okay Blogosphere here's something you might find humorous.
Tonight I understood a truth on a deeper level than before.
But when it popped into my mind, I just had to laugh.
So here it is...
    "I think satan hates me."
Hahahahaha ROFL
I feel extra picked on lately. Kinda like I have an enemy or something.
I feel like such a bimbo. I swear I already knew this. But it was like somebody washed the fact out of my mind.
So how's everyone else feeling?
Anyone else feeling picked on by an enemy that hates us?
I guess this leaves only one alternative.
I'm bringing out the big guns!
The name of JESUS! Hallelujah. I have victory over satan in the name of Jesus!
I'm waking up tomorrow on the right side of the bed!

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Psalms have definitely been comfort for my soul lately. They've been my milk and honey. They've been my chicken noodle soup, my blankie, and my teddybear. They've been my solace in times of great storms. So let the storms rage, i'll just squeeze the WORD tighter.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

That PEACE :)

This post is the result of my reflection to a friends question. I'm sharing it with the world in hopes that it will bless someone out there.

About five years ago I knew in my spirit that I had to part with a close friend. The closeness we shared, most I believe will never experience. I believe the scripture in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that says,
       "Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers..." also, "What fellowship has light with darkness?" was speaking to me. Speaking to me of my friendship. Some will not agree with me, and will say that that scripture is referring to marriage. However I believe differently.
In the time of my friendship with this person, the Lord Jesus was calling me softly. He whispered,
       "Come away and be ye separate."
This friend was in rebellion to the Lord. And I would have followed them in their mischief. If the Lord had not called me.

So this was my hearts response to my friends question...

If I had stayed friends with this person, there's no telling where'd i'd be. Yes, having "fun" but, I wouldn't have that joy or peace.(That great joy of the Lord and that peace that passes all understanding.) And there's just something about that peace. You wouldn't trade it for the world. (or even a friend).

Friday, November 23, 2012

The temporal of this world engulfs us so quickly.

Maybe you have an eternity moment.Eternity speaks to your heart. If you don't cling to it, it's gone. It's gone when you blink and start thinking of what you're gonna have for breakfast, what you're going to wear that day. And the temporary starts to blind you. Chase it! Chase HIS presence.Don't let the god(little g)of this world blind you.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

He regrets that He made man.

Genesis 6:5 The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

i watched, "Dances With Wolves" the other night. If you have never seen the movie go see it!
But if you haven't i'll give a brief description so that this blog post can be more relevant to you.

It's a movie about the interaction between the native american indians and the whites. How the whites had no heart, how cruel they were to the helpless and innocent.
      Now my personal belief is that not all the Indians were not as innocent as perceived, that they had their share of senseless inhumane killings. (But as to not get off topic i'll continue)

This movie is just the threshold or just an inkling of the violence and cruelty in mankind.
The cruelty of humans makes my heart cry out to God, "God come back so that this heartlessness can finally come to a stop, can be finished!"
Revelation 6:10 "They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

Gods people cry out for justice. For vengeance upon those who inflict pain and suffering upon the innocent and helpless.

If I watch this movie which is just an inkling of the violence of mankind and cry, can you imagine how much God who "sees all" cries.

This is such a corrupt world.
Do you think He again regrets making man?   

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Undeserved Mercy

 As he saith also in Hosea, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. Romans 9:25&26

A huge powerful God...
Sent His only beloved Son...
To give us undeserved mercy...
As I've said before...How Indescribably Lucky We Are!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let this draw you nearer to Him Father God

              This month a young girl was abducted in my home state. They recovered her body yesterday. This story has affected me more than those in other states. When it's close to home you can't ignore it or brush it off. These stories of missing girls are ever increasing and start to numb you because they are so sad that it is just to painful to let it seep into your heart.
               Looking at her picture on the web this morning it just brought tears to my eyes. To know that this young girl will never grow up, have her own life, grow old, that her life was stolen from her in the most demeaning cruel way.
               A lot of people use these stories to pile up their case for refusing God, for refusing Him as a Loving God. They'll say, "Why did God let this happen?","He couldn't be a God who cared for us.". 
And while I a finite being do not have all the answers. I do have a hoped for outcome for hurting people.

               Let this draw you near to God. Don't you know His heart breaks an innumerable amount more than ours for our own daughters our own sisters
               When tears came to my eyes for this girl my heart broke. The cry of my heart was, "God come back!", "God take your children up to heaven with you, where rapists, murderers, and hate do not exist. Where not one tear will ever fill our eye, and insurmountable joy and peace exist."

This is a holocaust memorial sculpture by Kenneth Treister

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going Higher

I've been reading, "Falling in Love with Jesus" by Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli. This book has been really good for me. The author quotes from another book titled, "Hinds' Feet on High Places", this quote from the book is an allegory in which a fawn named Much-Afraid overcomes her fears and learns how to go to the high places with the chief Shepherd. He tells her that in order to go to the High Places, she must walk herself, though he will never be far from her. She pleads with him to carry her. Gently the chief Shepherd responds:

        "Much-Afraid, I could do what you wish. I could carry you all the way up to the High Places myself, instead of leaving you to climb there. But if I did, you would never be able to develop hinds' feet, and become my companion and go where I go. If you will climb to the heights this once with the companions I have chosen for you, even though it may seem a very long and in some places a very difficult journey, I promise you that you will develop hinds' feet."

Here is a quote from the book,
        "Maybe you have developed unwise television habits or graceless ways of communicating with your sullen teenager, or maybe you haven't truly lived or shared your faith in front of other people for years. Maybe you've gotten lazy and complacent. you are a Christian, but you have been camping out in a cleft of a rock while Jesus calls, "Take My hand and come higher." You are seemingly happy, but deep inside you are discontent. And with each call He makes, your heart grows sadder. You know you should heed His call, but you also know that change will be involved. That change can be painful."

A couple pages later,
        "I've learned that nothing, absolutely nothing, is worth losing the peace of God. We need to be alert because we truly have an enemy on the prowl. The last thing he wants is for us to go to higher places with God. He will tempt us. He will boldly lie to us. He will try to inflame our passions, encouraging us to live in the moment, and to inflame our fears, encouraging us to camp out in the hiding places. And if he can tempt us to take a step down, to the lower places, then he will have gained control. He will whisper to you. He'll tell you that a little bit of stepping down, that little time of falling back, is no big deal. It doesn't come upon you like the smell of a skunk. Most of the time it's slow and steady, like carbon monoxide. It seeps into your bloodstream, and before you know it, you're asleep. That's how we become numb to God."

I hope this blesses you as it has blessed me. It is encouragement for me to keep pushing forward, and going to those high places.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I forget how lucky I am to know You.(God)



Little nobody Monica gets to know the Creator of the Universe. The I AM.
Not just know about Him or of Him, but get to know Him!
¿How did I get SO lucky?

But do I behave as such? Do I behave like I am lucky to know God the Creator on a personal level?
I take Him for granted and waste time that I could be spending to get to know Him better.

I don't treat Him like a king.
I don't treat him like the love of my life.

As a single woman wanting to be a good wife in the future, I read articles I see on the web to be a better wife. BUT WHAT ABOUT GOD? My true Husband. My eternal Husband?

This isn't how I want it to be. So Lord take me away into your presence. I want to grab ahold of this gift you've given me. I want to make the most of this gift of knowing you personally.
You are so amazing!

I was CHOSEN!!??

Let me not waste it Lord.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

For He is gentle and humble in heart.

1“Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him
and he will bring justice to the nations.
2He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
3A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;"

I can see us as fragile butterflies in Gods powerful hands, but He takes such care over us. He will not let us be crushed.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Take care lest you forget...

Deut 8:11 "Take care lest you forget the LORD your God by not keeping his commandments and his rules and his statutes,...and all you have is multiplied, then your heart be lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God, who...
-born me healthy
-who watched over my safety as a child and my innocence when circumstances were not favorable.
-who placed me in a loving christian woman's home when my mother forsook me.
-who guided my path to the church in a city on a mission trip to where i'd receive his salvation.
-who never gives up on me even when I stray.

Deut 8:17 (paraphrased with my own translation) "Beware lest you say in your heart, none of these blessings are from God."

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I love that You God are truly amazing, and that things my spirit wants, are in There(In You), I just have to dig.
I have this inner craving for adventure.
And i felt something from inside me ask, "Is this a good enough adventure for you?' The adventure of seeking God out and the things of God. He is like a treasure separated and spread out. You find a little at a time.
I mean when someone first meets me, they're not going to understand or see every part of who I am.
It's the same with our Lord.
This is the Lover for me. A God who gives me a secret language and hides Himself for want of pursuit.
I am a private person, and God has His private side as well. What a perfect match He is for me. And for you.
And here is a little something thrown in from 1 John 2:28 but I have put it in metaphor.

" I don't want my Husband coming home after He's been away at war fighting for my freedom, and securing a place for us to live, and find me in bed with another man."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A few of my thoughts along with some writings of others that have blessed me.

             So I had a rich devotion time in the Lord tonight. Also a breakthrough which I believe is going to open new pathways in my walk with the Lord.
But also means my post might be a little spastic. So bare with me, because I believe if you keep your spiritual heart open you'll be blessed.

First I had to start with conviction and confession time with the Lord.
I saw pride that had creeped up in my heart from last week. One of the gifts or talents the Lord has given me, I let myself think that it gave me the right to feel better than a aquaintance of mine.

Ay yi yi! Stupid stupid flesh. We are so ugly apart from You God. Pride is a hideous creature.
In Romans 8:6 it says, "For to set the mind on the flesh is death..."
 I believe partly because you're distancing yourself from God, and the flesh and God are enemies. The flesh hates the things of God. You can't please God in the flesh.
He is the life giver the source of all life, to be separated from Him is death.
We need to be completely consumed by Him. Like fire consumes. We need to be formed into His image, that means we have to lose ourselves. Not be so concerned with getting praise from people.
In Romans 9:15 it says, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."  How special we are, to be included into the family.

Have you ever met a family that welcomed you a stranger into their family as one of their own? It's a warm comforting feeling. Undeserved or even unearned. In the eyes of the world I am a nobody and God chose me. What an honor we are graced with. What am I doing with this honor? This is a challenge to myself this day. What am I doing with His mercy?               
 Now back to what I've been up to lately in my posts. How do I love God, Jesus, unconditionally?
This was a great article
There is a prayer that caused I believe a much needed breakthrough. This prayer is all about unconditionally loving God. And not blaming Him for something bad that has happened in your life, but trusting in Him. And trusting that He can make good to come out of a bad situation.
This is the prayer... "OK, Lord, I don't know why this devastating thing happened to me, but Lord, I trust you, I trust in You that You know everything and that somehow, someway you will make lemonade out of these bitter lemons. I trust that you will somehow cause something good to come out of this terrible situation."
Alright and here are some more things that blessed me.
This is from a Catholic, I pretty much agree 100%. Although I know that Jesus sees our frame and that we are but dust, and even when our hearts aren't 100% selfless He still hears us and graces us with His loving presence and tenderness.

..."To seek God for what he gives us, or for the sweetness we feel when we are with him, is a sure way of never tasting or feeling those very sweetness we feel when we are with him, is a sure way of never tasting or feeling those very sweetnesses and consolations which we are seeking, and besides it is a great obstacle and impediment to achieving union with God.
On the other hand, we achieve everything and we posses everything, because everything is given to us when we seek God alone for what he is in himself, for his own sake, and not for what he gives or has promised.
We must seek, serve, and love God unselfishly, not in order to be virtuous, not to acquire holiness or grace or even heaven itself, nor to acquire holiness or grace or even heaven itself, nor for the happiness of possessing him, but solely for the sake of loving him. And when he offers us graces and gifts, we should tell him that the only gift we want is the gift of love, in order to love him; if he says to us: Ask me for anything you like, we should ask for nothing except love and more love, in order to love him and to love him more. This is the greatest thing we can ask for or desire because he is the only thing worth loving or desiring".
- Francisca Javiera del Valle, About the Holy Spirit, 'Day Seven'

And then there were these two people answering someones question on yahoo answers. The question was asking if unconditional love was possible. I really love Julietta's answer.
"Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Basically - you have to draw near to Him, read His to Him and as your faith grows, you begin to shed worldly things and His love....holy cow....His love, once you are able to lay it all down (and it's NOT easy and often takes time for some of us - it does me) - but when He FILLS'll know it and be on cloud nine with a love more real than you've ever experienced. You'll be obesessed in the most amazing, fulfilling way -that anyone who has NOT experienced it, cannot understand it. But you have to seek Him...relentlessly. Ask - you shall receive. But keep on asking - His timing is a lot slower than what we humans desire often (I'm SO impatient) - but dont' give up, and I PROMISE - He'll answer..." Julietta

"Just find someone to celebrate. Find someone who makes you aware of how lucky you are to be here. All this thinking! Lol."

Jesus is someone to celebrate. The person of Jesus. And He does make me happy to be ith Him. To be His bride, to be apart of His family. I am blessed!"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

His GREAT Love!

(First a WARNING a rambling woman proceeding ahead!) :)

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."

 I also love Him because He first loved me.
He wanted me first, He pursues me, He died for me.

Not wishing that any should perish.
I believe it breaks His heart all the people that won't repent and instead choose to perish.

I've been mulling over the concept of falling in Love with Jesus Christ for just who He is and not what I get in return. I am a selfish person. Always thinking of what I get. Like I love Jesus because He makes me happy, or I feel good when I am in His presence.
    Is it possible for me to JUST love Him? Without anything in return.

Outside of Him there is nothing good.
We were made to love Him. 

"How you may ask?"
Well the thing is I've never been in love with a man. And if you are a man, you'll have to reverse that of course.
And because I've never been in love is there a point to this I'm missing?

You first fall in love with someone because something about your spirit and their spirit fits.
You fall in love with Him for who he is and you want to be around him.
What is it to love a man?
And why do we love what we love?

My case is, how do I love a man just for who he is? Or does this come naturally. I'm using a physical example because I think it'll make loving Jesus for who He is a little more graspable.

So please leave your ideas or advice.
I'm a muller. I need to mull over something and look at it from different angles to grasp it. So even if you think you yourself might not understand fully please still leave your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


James 1:6 "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."

doubt:to waver in opinion; to distrust; to question

I think it's saying that if you're going to believe in something, that you should go all in. Like an all or nothing. Because if what you believe in, you're not fully believing in, your life will be unstable.

Do I live without doubt? Am I unstable in all my ways?

Having a God that I can't fully grasp is hard, because I don't always understand what He's doing. And having a God that operates in an unseen world is hard because I can't see when He is going to bring breakthrough into a situation.

I guess sometimes I don't share my faith with people, is because of this because i'm not always confident that he's really at work in my little life. 

Or times I question Him. Why did you let this happen? Why haven't you done what I want already? 

But I know that isn't true and that he is involved even in the minutest details.

So do these times of lack of confidence make me one who doubts?

Well if so, i'm sorry Lord. I don't want to be a doubter, one who wavers, one who is compared to a tossing wave.

This verse is having me evaluate my walk and my life. I want to always be making sure that my life measures up to how the Lord wants me to be living.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Heads Up! I'm changing my blog name from Limbo to Wandering Heart!

James 1

James 1:21b "Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."
James 1:27b "...and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Q: How does this scripture reveal Jesus?

A: Just as i was telling the children in children's church today,       no one is perfect. We all have sinned and
    gotten icky sin staining our spirit. And there is only one way    to get rid of them.

    The answer is in a song we sing,

"Oh the blood of Jesus,
  it washes white as snow."

So the verse of James 1:27, reveals my necessity of keeping unstained, undefiled from this world. And that leads me straight to Jesus. The only way we can be unstained, from this filthy world.
Q: Challenging verse of the day?
A: Look to the previous answer. Keeping yourself unstained is our challenge.
Q: Uplifting verse of the day.
A: James 1:21b Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Q: How do these scriptures make you fall more in love with Jesus for who He is?

A: I would say that 1:21b shows how romantic God is. that He has created the greatest romance that could ever be. But that answer is more than falling in love with who He is because it makes me feel good to be in that romance. So then I have taken it from who He is(a romancer), to what He can do for me(romance me).

So I will use 1:27b-Keep oneself unstained. Because the only reason His blood can wash me is because it first was holy and pure.

Being in love with someone who is holy and pure. If He wasn't holy and pure He wouldn't be who He is. And for that I love Him. He has no unholy or impure thought towards me.
And women how often can you find that? In a world full of sick and twisted people?

do a favor for your spirit.

check this blog post out.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Daily Devotion

 I've made up this little daily devotional with four questions to ask in accordance to whichever piece of scripture that you read.
 I do believe if you look, that you can find something revealing about Christ in all scripture. So I invite you to maybe search for this question in any scripture you read.

Philipians 1 & 2

How did a certain scripture reveal Jesus Christ? Philipians is Paul writing the Philipians while he was in prison and encouraging them to continue in their walk with Christ, and to do it well.
 So These two chapters of Philipians shows me... 
that with Jesus there is always a positive. We can't lose.
Paul was in prison and he still had the joy of knowing that even though it looked as though he lost, he knew that he really was winning in the spiritual realm.
Uplifting verse of the day: Phil 1:21
  "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

Challenging verse: Phil 1:27
 "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ."

This really exhorts me, to be a better example of Christ. To have respect for His reputation. And not to drag His name in the mud, by being a bad example of a christian of a follower of Jesus. We are the only Jesus the unsaved will see. We are His body.

Verse to fall more in love with Christ: Phil 2:6 "Taking the form of a servant who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, being born in the likeness of man. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even on a cross."
        His humbleness is beautiful. 

I've added this question because I want to fall in love with who He is and not what He can do or how He makes me feel.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothèd then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


It seems my journey is familiar with these m.i.a moments. Where it seems I lose sight of the goal and allow myself to sit down in this race. I don't know why I allow myself to do this when I know the inner joy and peace of running the race.

I was reading a blog post from my friend Kelline where she writes that outside His presence there is no peace.
It reminded me that I had allowed myself to have a seat and let Gods manifest presence move on past me.

It also reminded me of a great friend I gave up as a sacrifice to God. This was five years ago. At that time in my walk the fire of God was heavily on me.

It reminded me of why I shouldn't let myself give-up or sit down now. It showed me what i've given up and how foolish it would be. How everything i've done and what God has done would be all for not if I kept sitting out the race.

Not that i'm planning on giving up, but when you think of it, sitting on the sidelines is a form of giving up.

Revelation 2:4-5 "But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be.

How's that for a title? ay? "We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be." This comes from a book I am presently reading titled, "Enjoying Intimacy with God" by J. Oswald Sanders.
Here is another quote from the book. I love this quote so much that I have memorized it.
"Only those who count such intimacy a PRIZE worth sacrificing anything else for are likely to attain it. If other intimacies are more desirable to us, we will not gain entry to that circle." (the circle he is talking about is an inner circle of intimacy with God)
This is exactly what I needed to hear.
What other things are taking the place of your pursuit of Christ. Have you learned to be content sitting outside His innermost circle?
I'm continually having to remind myself about the temporary things I let occupy my time. Everything that is seen is temporary, that which is unseen it ETERNAL.

The second chapter has to do with true worship of Him.

"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing."
"To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."Rev 5:12-14

pg21 "...but our worship reaches a much higher level when we worship Him simply and solely for what He is, for the excellences and perfections of His being." (not for what He has done, although we are to worship Him for that as well.)

"To whom will you compare me? Or whom is my equal?' says the Holy One" Is40:25

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Peter's willingness to be a cannibal.

Jesus had a hard saying for His followers.
John 6:53-58 "So Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has  eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.
As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.' "

v60 When many of His disciples heard it, they said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"

These disciples,(not the twelve) thought Jesus was talking about cannibalism. They wanted nothing to do with this. They turned back from following Him. And Jesus asked the twelve if they wanted to leave as well.
This was Peter's heart cry to Jesus...

v68 "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. and we have believed, and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of God."

I want to be as the disciples. Believing and trusting in Him so much. That I will follow. Even when I'm not sure what He is going to do. 

If Peter can be willing to be a cannibal. I should be willing to live a little out of my flesh's comfort zone.
If Jesus was willing to be beaten, mocked, and crucified, I should be able to take up my cross daily, by dying to my flesh daily.

He is the one true God. There is no one beside Him. And He just so happens to be AMAZING! He doesn't have a cruel bone in His being. He cries for us. The pain and affliction in this world hurts Him more than it hurts all of us combined.
We have a God whose thoughts of us are only good and loving. There is not one iota of darkness in Him nor shadow of turning.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

My spirits food for today.

1 Samuel 12:12b "'No, but a king shall reign over us,' when the LORD your GOD was your King."

What does a king do?
-lead -protect -provide
(if you have any others please let me know, i'd like to add them.)

(So i'm making a comparison between asking for a king when you have the LORD GOD as your King, to seeking a king in this world.)

Where else do i seek guidance(leadership),protection,provision?
In these ways of seeking guidance, protection, and provision, outside of the LORD GOD I am seeking another king,

12:17&19b "..And you shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which you have done in the sight of the Lord, in asking for yourselves a king."
"..for we have added to all our sins this evil, to ask for ourselves a king."

12:20 Samuel said, "Do not be afraid, you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.

I really need this encouragement from a  LOVING GOD through the lips of Samuel. I always need to remember that HE is a FORGIVING GOD. Satan comes and tells you, "oh you messed up just why bother?" But remember beloved one of God, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1-2

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

this is not mine but i wanted to share the beauty and check out her blog.

      So until a couple days ago, I was having a hard time for the past few weeks being disciplined to read His Word. So the other night I got to thinking. I usually read the Bible on my bed.
     I guess that just doesn't create the best environment for devotion to His Word. So I created a little space of my own in the next room. 
     A little table and a wicker chair. A nice little old-fashioned desk lamp to set the mood :)) haha...but really. Also a lilac candle, I love the smell of lilac. Once Jesus took me to a lovely garden in prayer and there were purple lilacs. So it's OUR special thing :)). MY bible of course! My journal. My colors for coloring verses. Ohh and Bach and Chopin on my Pandora music station. Oh and my chai tea.
From here I was led to 1st John.
So the ninth verse of chapter one spoke to me.
"If we confess our sins, He is FAITHFUL and JUST to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
He made it so easy for us.
Can you imagine how He must feel when we don't just reach out to Him.
When He has done all the hard work and made a way.

And then I got distracted by my candle...
Fires trait is to consume. And in Hebrews it says He is a consuming fire.
So this is my prayer.
"Lord God I want to be consumed by you. That means surrendering everything. Trusting, being vulnerable. Not caring for myself. Leaving no thought of myself...
...consume me!"
The burning of the candle releases a fragrance pleasing to Him. I want so badly to please Him. And what pleases Him is so good for me. Sweet sweet LOVE, sweet sweet God.
He is like honey to my lips. SWEETER than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. (Ps. 19)

Back to 1st John
2:15-17 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride in possessions- is not from the Father but is from the world. and the world is passing away along with it's desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
3:9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep sinning because he has been born of God.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

satan tries to crush, but my Saviour always comes to the rescue.

And He places me on a higher ground than where I was before satan attacked.
Hallelujah! Praise to my King my Saviour.

Here is a snippet of a song from Samuel Cornell an eleven year old who wrote and played this song when he was ten. It's called "On The Cross" if you want to youtube it, it will bless your heart.
 "On the cross, He saved me, He healed me, and He took me in his arms and He loved me"

So today satan was attacking me. I was in desperation, looking for an escape from the monotony of the same day lived over and over again.

This website speaks to where my heart was. And I do believe would especially touch the women readers.

When I am down I like to read of stories of people far worse off than myself to right myself.
Such as the book Why? by Mrs D.S Sherwin. Even though I don't fully agree with her theology, her story in times of my despair has been my solice.
And when I wasn't saved I would watch Girl Interrupted, to feel a little more sane when I felt insanity gripping me.

So now I read Ecclesiastes.

Here are some jewels I found.
Ecc 1:8b "...the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing."
How true this is. We have to constantly be crucifying our flesh.

Ecc 10:1 "Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.

This calls me to live my life at a higher standard. I want to be a sweet perfume to a lost and dying world. I don't want to ruin the whole batch of ointment for some thoughtless act of stupidity.

This is such a great visual picture. To have all this wisdom and honor to be ruined by some little flies.
This verse gets to my soul better than the verse the reads, "a little leaven, leaven the whole lump."
This I think I will put on my mirror so that I will give thought in the beginning of my day. So that I won't ruin a sweet perfume over something not worth while.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grace in the oddest places.

So I'm watching Castaway. The one where Tom Hanks gets stranded on a island.
There is a scene when he is sharing his inward struggle of survival on the island with his close friend after he's been saved.

" I had power over NOTHING. And
          that's when this feeling came over me--
          like a warm blanket. And I knew, not up

He means, not in his brain.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          --but in some deep part of me--I just
          knew--I had to stay alive. Even if I had
          no reason to hope. Even if my logic told
          me I'd never see any of this again.

"This" being the whole world he knew.

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          And that's what I did, just kept

          CHUCK (cont'd)
          That's all I did. Just stayed alive. And
          you know what? The sun came up, and the
          sun went down,
and all my logic was
          wrong. Because the tide brought me--a
There's a sense of hope here, a hard-won knowledge at the core of

                     CHUCK (cont'd)
          Because tomorrow--the sun is going to
          rise, and who knows what the tide could

This is grace to me. Because hope, this ^ doesn't exist without God.
Without the loving God of the universe.

It also called me to remember "these" times in my life. When I was in desperation, and the warm blanket of God's hope giving love enveloped me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

You are still God

"How much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11   

So my prayer today is this...            

 "Lord I am sorry when I doubt you forgive me. You truly are good, and You are still God." 

 and then of course i ask Him for the things I want. :) i really just want Him to reveal more of Himself to me, because nothing can make me happier than seeing my Lord more clearly. He is beautiful. He is Beauty!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Single Women-this is for you :))

This is from the book, "Falling in Love with Jesus".

1.It is not a disease.
2.It doesn't need a cure.
3.Don't give me anymore books on "How Not To Be Single."
4.Please don't try to fix me up with your brother-in-law, even though you know he is perfect for me.
5.And don't you dare tell me what beautiful babies Carmen and I could have together.(Carmen is a single Italian singer.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Lord You're all I've got. 
Now the people in my life, small albeit, may be offended at that statement. 
But really You're all my spirit has. 
Why and how do I go days without talking to you? 
You're my love. I begin to say, "I just wish You were..."  
*stops herself*  
I'm trapped to fleshy thinking. 
"I wish you were here with me in bodily form."  
But as the saying goes,(but is inadequate). I choose this saying to desribe Your greatness, compared to being with me in bodily form. Which is..
"You do me one better." Being in the flesh would limit You.   
"help me to not be so limited"  
"it is to your advantage that I go." John 16:4 Jesus speaking to some sorrow stricken disciples. Jesus saying that the Holy Spirit is to come down.
God would just be limited if I put Him into human form here on earth.
Any ways the world as I know it is not going to last an eternity, so I better get used to the spiritual realm which last for eternity.
"In the spiritual realm Lord is where you dwell, help me to have eyes in my spirit to see this spiritual realm."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Washing of His Word

Ephesians 5:25-27   Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. That he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of the water with the WORD, So that He might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.              
The creator stepped into His creation to make a way for fallen man to be saved. He is love and wants someone to love.  God had to turn away from Jesus because Jesus became the worst of humanity. The rapist, pedofile, murderers, thieves, he became for us.  

I have this picture from Ephesians 5:26  of a filthy, bloody, black slime covered, woman. She is weak, hurt, and as low as it gets. Her clothes were ragged, torn and soiled. Jesus in a very intimate moment, in her invite takes away the soiled garments, and he starts washing her. Taking the cloth and dipping it into the warm fresh water and wiping it over her bloody wounds, black ooze left from her heart(The Oath reference). He is not disgusted nor does he embarrass her in her vulnerable state. Nor does he take advantage. Not one of his thoughts is of himself. He is good and trustworthy. This cloth and fresh warm water is God's WORD. When He is finished, clothes her with new clothes that she could never repay. Now she is clothed in righteousness.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


"Romance the the deepest thing in life, romance is deeper even than reality." G.K. Chesterton  "We all feel the riddle of the earth without anyone to point it out. The mystery of life is the plainest part of it. . . . Every stone or flower is a heiroglyphic of which we have lost the key; with every step of our lives we enter into the middle of some story which we are certain to misunderstand."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Conversations with my Husband

This is my prayer and conversation with the Lord my Husband today. I want to share this personal talk because of my previous post of frustration with dry marriages between saints and Christ. Also lack of rich personal relationship info on the web about the relation between the bride and the Groom.

"Lead me Jesus(Son of God, Word of God made flesh, Savior, Husband) guide me teach me."
You are my whole.

me: "Take me to a place i've never been before Lord."
?:"If you'll take me to a place I've never been before."

So i've decided to make a noticeable effort to get to know the Lord by talking with Him about things that I've never brought to Him. And i'll be sharing these conversations with you!

I've decided to start with my hopes. This is actually more tough because of my history with hopes.
I won't go into those but I spoke out in voice the things my spirit wants for my future. Things that God put into me, I believe he wants to hear our desires and hopes. To hear us EXPECTING. I once heard someone say that you have to be expecting a miracle for a miracle to occur.

I'm not really sure where these conversations will lead me. But I do believe that the Lord told me that He would take me to places I've never been if I take Him to places in me He's never been. So we shall see if it was His voice by the results of these conversations directed at places I've never taken Him. The reason I say we shall see if it was His voice is because I have a pretty good, and sometimes overactive imagination.

I think if you follow me in this idea, you could also benefit. In posting these maybe I'll even guide by example. Also if you have some guidance for me I am open! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dry Marriage

I either don't understand or am misguided. But I think the majority of the marriages between saints and Christians are so dry.

Why would a relationship with the Supreme Being be lifeless, compared to a boyfriend or husband here on earth?!
Yes He is our Lord, Father, and Friend; but He is also our Husband and we are His bride!

I am single in physical terms, by choice to be dedicated to Jesus Christ.
I "would" love to jest with men, and flirt. To be married to a man and flirt and to be playful in the marriage. Why does the playful and flirtatious have to be dropped in the spiritual realm?
One can find almost limitless data on the web. And yet somehow it seems non existent the thought of having fun with Jesus as Husband.
WELL I am fed up with the non existent. To me this is so personal, and maybe this is why it seems nonexistent, but I am fed up with the absence.
I want a fiery passionate marriage. And Jesus fulfills my needs. He fills the emptiness and the holes.

So please join me in pursuing our Husband, lets take the time and effort in diving deeper into passion, the passion we would not have unless it had been created in us in the first place. Lets treat Him as if He were in the flesh, chase Him and court Him, Let Him speak sweetly to you as you speak sweetly and softly in His ear. Practice praising Him, praise is filled flattery. Flatter Him with the truth, tell Him how beautiful and desirable He is. These are the basics, we just have to switch realms. 

And PLEASE share your experiences with me, I have soo very much to learn. 

Although this little song I wrote wasn't written in correlation with these above thoughts, I'll throw it in anyways in hopes of it blessing you.

I guess reading it will mostly be a prayer :) But let it bless you!

Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God
Take me to your heart God


I want YOU!
You're all I wanted...
and not KNOWN

Take me to your heart God
It's all I need!!
And you know!

I love you!
The greatest Romantic the world has never seen!
Take us to Your heart God!

Bright and beautiful,
Rainbows or rememberance,
Waves of Mercy
Oceans of Grace
Breathing in Your Love,

Monday, January 2, 2012


Lord Jesus thank you! I could pursue all the adventures, read all the greatest books, find the best mate. And if I left you out, I'd still be empty.